Writing a paragraph is like making a sandwich. Can a cheeseburger be called a "cheeseburger" if it has no cheese? I guess not! Likewise, a paragraph cannot be considered a paragraph if it doesn`t have some basic necessary "ingredients".
A typical paragraph has 3 essential parts:
the introduction
the body
the conclusion
Let`s look at each part separately!
The introduction usually appears in the beginning of the paragraph and it is where the topic sentence can be found. But what is the topic sentence? It is the sentence that contains the main idea of the paragraph. A good topic sentence tells the reader what the whole paragraph is going to be about.
The body follows the introduction and it discusses the topic sentence. Here , the writer should add facts, arguments, analysis, examples, and other relevant information. A well-developed body should have, at least, 3 different supporting ideas.
The conclusion is the final section of the paragraph and it summarizes the connections between the information discussed in the body of the paragraph and the paragraph topic sentence.
So dear students, if you write a paragraph and it does not have any of these parts, then it is not a paragraph, it is incomplete just like a cheeseburguer would not be a cheeseburguer if it didn`t have cheese in it!
To make the metaphor clear and easy to remember let`s adopt the following:
The bun (bread) can be considered to be introduction and the conclusion
The meat (burguer)can be considered the topic sentence
The cheese, pickles,onions and condiments can be considered the supporting ideas
Now, let`s make our cheeseburger, I mean, write our sample paragraph!I am going to give you some ingredients:
burguer: Brasília is a great place to live.
cheese: a lot of green areas
pickles: fast access to most places
onions and condiments: varied entertainment options
Remember, you a the chef now and it is up to you which buns you are going to use and how you are going to prepare the sandwich using the given ingredients. Each chef is going to make a different sandwich, but the essence is still going to be the same. We are all going to make a cheeseburger. We are all going to write a perfect paragraph!
The federal capital is a great place to live because we can find a good quality of life. We have less violence and less trafic then others big cities in Brazil. Beside this, depending your profission, Brasilia has a high cost of life, but has good opportunities to work. (Alexandra)
ResponderExcluirBrasília is a god place to live because we have a lot of greens areas, facility to access to most places, a lot of option for entertainment. So, if you pay attention at the city will discover that your life here can be confortable and funny; You have many options to do, like go to walk, meet friends, family; work; do courses.
ResponderExcluirLaura Rosa Moreira
Brasilia is a great place to live and rease yor children.Here we have a lot of green areas where w can ride a bicicle, play ball or just to enjoy a sunny morning.But if it's not your kind of entertainment, you can choose one of a dozen shopping malls in the city, go to movie, eat or simply go window shopping. Or you can try a play on theatre, a local band show, see differents cultures on a gallerie or sight seeing the famous things in the city.And all of this you can go very quickly, because Brasilia have a good access to the majority of places. In summarize, Brasilia have a special way to life, so join us. Paula Porto
ResponderExcluirBrasília is considered one of the most place to live in Brasil because the large avenues ,green
ResponderExcluirareas , diferent people and a great variety of
foods although some problems such as dificult
parking and a hard trafic everry day .(Francisco)